Monday, August 6, 2018


Chariots of metal and smoke whizz past like bullets in that godforsaken time
It takes me to a place back in the day , where ideologies were at war and people divided by delusional and intangible  lines
The familiar warm air once again fills my lungs
Time seems to coagulate , my finger tips feel numb
The fear slowly creeps up my spine
A fear much larger than my mortal confines
Death does not scare my kinds
I am a soldier , born to be in the suck ,I survive in the grind
For I will never forget the terror I comprehended on that battleground
the toil of battle and war changes a man , it’s not as romantic as it sounds
Their explosions drown out the screams of my brothers in arms
I stare at the bloody bodies , questioning my reality in the middle of that  farm

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